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Miller Place UFSD
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Naviance/Family Connection Student Login

Welcome to Naviance Student!  This program is provided by the Miller Place Counseling Department to help assist students and their parents begin the college and career exploration process.  Naviance is a career/college program that students will use throughout high school. Career programs that promote career awareness, such as Career Clusters and Learning Styles, will be beneficial to students as they transition to high school. Students will create a personalized Family Connection account and start thinking about areas of interest and connecting these interests to different careers and different career clusters.

Naviance will follow the students all through high school up until graduation and is significant in terms of the college admissions process and the submission of official documents to colleges and universities. 

The NCR Counselors will be meeting with 7th grade students on April 17 and 18 to complete a learning styles activity via Naviance.   

Welcome Naviance Student Registration Info Document