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Miller Place UFSD
Empowering excellence today, developing tomorrow’s achievers, forever MP proud.

NCRMS Counseling Groups

The school counselors look forward to meeting with their students in groups and individually. 

6th Grade - The counselors visited the classrooms in September and talked with students about "transitioning, goal-setting and self-advocating." We will meet with our 6th graders again in March to talk about careers! Click Here

7th Grade - The counselors will met with the 7th graders in November and talked about a positive mindset and how to find success.  We discussed the power of positivity, starting a new school year on a positive note and how having the right mindset can lead to success!  Click Here

In the spring, we will shift gears and the counselors will meet with the kids again and introduce them to Naviance as we explore career clusters. 

8th GradeThe counselors will met with the 8th grade in early November and logged onto NAVIANCE.  NAVIANCE is a career exploratory program that assists students as they explore learning styles. Students discovered their sensory, environmental and mindset preferences and the counselors will go over the meaning of the results and show students how to utilize the feedback given.  The school counselors will also meet with the 8th grade for 9th grade course selection sometime January and again individually, in February to personalize the course selection for 9th grade. We will meet with their 8th graders again in May to talk about transitioning to high school. Brochures will be given out. 

8th Graders will take a College Board, Big Future personalized career quiz that will show them possible future career paths that will help them select courses as they begin high school in less than a year from now!

Click the link: Home – BigFuture | College Board


Click Here: 8th to 9th Grade Course Selection Form

Career Exploratory Activity - Jeopardy Link

Link for parents on how you can do mindful mediation at home with your kids!  Positive Meditation At Home