Board Policies
- 1000 - Community Relations
- 2000 - Board Governance and Operations
- 3000 - Administration
- 4000 - Instruction
- 5000 - Student Policies
- 6000 - Fiscal Management
- 7000 - Facilities Development
- 8000 - Support Services
- 9000 - Personnel and Negotiations
1000 - Community Relations
- 1050 Annual District Meeting
- 1120 School District Records
- 1120.F Application for Public Access to School District Records
- 1420 Public Complaints about Curricula or Instructional Material
- 1420.F Request for Reconsideration of a Work
- 1420.R Public Complaints about Curricula or Instructional Material Regulation
- 1440 Public Complaints about District Personnel
- 1450 Civility and Decorum
- 1450.R Civility and Decorum Regulation
- 1511 Posting or Distributing Flyers
- 1521 Campaigning in Schools
- 1530 No Smoking, Vaping, or Other Tobacco Use on School Premises
- 1600 Use of School-Owned Materials and Equipment
- 1741 Home Instruction
- 1800 Donations Gifts and Grants to the District
- 1900 Parent and Family Engagement Policy
- 1900.E.1 - Parent and Family Engagement Policy
- 1900.E.2 - Parent and Family Engagement Policy
- 1925 Interpreters for Hearing-Impaired Parents
2000 - Board Governance and Operations
- 2120.1 Candidates and Campaigning
- 2120.2 Voting Procedures
- 2130 Poll Watchers Guide for the Annual Meeting
- 2160 Code of Ethics
- 2161 News Media Relations
- 2170 Board Member Conflict of Interest
- 2200 Duties of the District Clerk
- 2230 Duties of the External Independent Auditor
- 2230-E Duties of the External Independent Auditor Exhibit
- 2230-R Duties of the External Independent Auditor Regulation
- 2231 Duties of the Claims Auditor
- 2231-E Duties of the Claims Auditor Warrant Certification
- 2231-R Duties of the Claims Auditor Regulation
- 2232 Duties of the School District Treasurer
- 2235 Duties of the Extra-Classroom Activities Funds Treasurer
- 2236 Ex-Officio Student Non-Voting Member of BOE
- 2250 Board Committees
- 2265 Shared Decision-Making and School-Based Planning
- 2270 School Attorney
- 2341 Agenda Format
- 2360 Minutes
- 2410 Formulation, Adoption, and Amendment of Policies
- 2450 Policy Dissemination
- 2451 Service of Process Upon the District for Subpoenas Duces Tecum Other Subpoenas and Legal Documents in General
- 2550 Compensation and Expenses - Board Members
3000 - Administration
- 3000 Administrative Goals
- 3120 Duties of the Superintendent
- 3121 Evaluation of Superintendent
- 3200 Safety Policy
- 3300 Notification of Release of Sex Offenders
- 3300-R Guidelines Regarding Notification of Release of Sex Offenders
- 3400 Meals and Refreshments
- 3400.R Meals and Refreshments Regulation
- 3410 Mobile Devices
- 3410.F Mobile Devices Form
- 3410.R Mobile Devices Regulation
- 3411 Use of District Laptop Computers and Residential Internet Services
- 3411.R Use of District Laptop Computers and Residential Internet Services Regulation
- 3420 Use of Credit Cards
- 3420.F Credit Cards Form
- 3420.R Use of Credit Cards Regulation
- 3430 Professional Development Opportunities and Conference Attendance
4000 - Instruction
- 4200 Curriculum Management
- 4311.1 Display of the Flag
- 4321 Programs for Students with Disabilities
- 4321.1 Allocation of Space for Special Education Programs and Services
- 4321.12 Use of Time Out Rooms, Physical Restraints and Aversives
- 4321.12-R Use of Time Out Rooms, Physical Restraints and Aversives Regulation
- 4321.2 Preschool Special Education
- 4321.4 Impartial Hearing Officer Appointment and Compensation
- 4321.5 Individualized Education Program Distribution
- 4325 Remedial Instruction
- 4325.1 Secondary Academic Intervention Services
- 4326 Programs for English Language Learners
- 4326-E.1 Programs for English Language Learners Exhibit
- 4326-E.2 Programs for English Language Learners Exhibit
- 4327 Homebound Instruction
- 4334.2 Course Credit by Examination
- 4511 Textbook Selection and Adoption
- 4513 Library Materials Selection
- 4526 Student Computer Network Acceptable Use and Internet Safety
- 4526.R Computer Network for Education Regulation
- 4526.E.1 Computer Network for Education Exhibit (Sample Parent Letter)
- 4526.E.2 Computer Network for Education Exhibit (Student Agreement)
- 4526.1 Employee Computer Network Acceptable Use & Internet Safety
- 4526.1.F Employee Computer Network Acceptable Use & Internet Safety Form
- 4531 Field Trips and Excursions
- 4730 Homework
- 4730.R Homework Regulation
- 4750 Promotion or Retention of Students
- 4773.2 Credentials for Students with Disabilities
5000 - Student Policies
For the policies (9010.2, 9010.2 E1 and 9010.2R) on Sexual Harassment please click here
- 5010 Equity, Inclusivity, and Diversity in Education
- 5020.2 Non-Discrimination & Equal Opportunity
- 5020.2.E.1 Non-Discrimination & Equal Opportunity Complaint Form
- 5020.2.E.2 Non-Discrimination & Equal Opportunity Complaint Appeal Form
- 5020.2.R Non-Discrimination & Equal Opportunity
- 5020.3 Students with Disabilities Pursuant to Section 504
- 5020.5 Student Harassment & Bullying Prevention & Intervention
- 5020.5.E.1 Student Harassment and Bullying Prevention and Intervention - Complaint Form
- 5020.5.E.2 Student Harassment & Bullying Prevention & Intervention Complaint Appeal Form
- 5020.5.R Student Harassment & Bullying Prevention & Intervention
- 5020.6 Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students
- 5025 Gender Neutral Restrooms
- 5030 Prayer in the Schools
- 5140 Student Wellness
- 5140.1.R Student Wellness-Administrative Guidelines
- 5140.R Student Wellness-Regulation
- 5146 Food Allergy Policy
- 5150 School Admissions
- 5150.E School Admissions-Affidavits
- 5160 Student Attendance
- 5162 Students Dismissal Precaution
- 5191 Students with HIV-Related Illness
- 5200 Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities
- 5205 Eligibility for Extra-curricular and Co-curricular Activities
- 5250 Extra-Classroom Activity Funds
- 5250 Appendix A-Extra Classroom Activity Funds
- 5250.R Rules for the Safeguarding Accounting and Auditing of Extra-classroom Activity Fund
- 5251 Fund Raising
- 5252 Athletic Placement Process
- 5280 Interscholastic Athletics
- 5280.1 Sports Physicals
- 5280.3 Transportation to and from School Events
- 5285 Concussion Management
- 5305 Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities
- 5306 Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Students and Student Recruiting Information
- 5306.R Armed Forces Recruiter Access to Students and Student Recruiting Information Regulation
- 5310.4 Public Conduct on School Property
- 5320 Student Conduct on School Buses
- 5320.R Student Conduct on School Buses Regulation
- 5425 Automated External Defibrillators
- 5425.R Automated External Defibrillators-Regulation
- 5450 Student Safety
- 5454 Student Automobile Use
- 5460 Child Abuse Maltreatment or Neglect in a Domestic Setting
- 5460.R Child Abuse Maltreatment or Neglect in a Domestic Setting-Regulation
- 5463 Bicycle Safety
- 5500 Student Records
- 5500.R Student Records Regulation
- 5520 Student Privacy
- 5660 Student Gifts and Solicitations
- 5700 Voter Registration Policy
- 5810 Confidentiality and Access to Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Individualized Education Services Programs (IESPs), Service Plans (SPs)
- 5811 Homeless Children
- 5811-R Homeless Children Regulation
6000 - Fiscal Management
- 6110 Budget Planning
- 6111 Budget Deadlines and Schedules
- 6113 Dissemination of Budget Recommendations
- 6120 Budget Hearing
- 6130 Budget Vote and Procedures for Voters Propositions
- 6133 Administration of the Budget
- 6135 Contingency Budget
- 6150 Budget Transfers
- 6200 Revenues
- 6210 School Tax Assessment and Collection
- 6211 Property Tax Exemption for Senior Citizens
- 6230 Maintenance of Fiscal Effort-TITLE I Programs
- 6235 Use of District Funds for Political Expenditures
- 6236 Use of Federal Funds for Political Expenditures
- 6240 Investment
- 6245 Capitalization
- 6252 Gate Receipts and Admissions
- 6300 Borrowing of Funds
- 6310 Accounting of Funds
- 6315 Fund Balance
- 6320 Expenditures of School District Funds
- 6410 Authorized Signatures
- 6500 Bonded Employees and Personnel
- 6630 School District Report Cards
- 6635 Publication of the Districts Annual Financial Statement
- 6640 Inventories
- 6670 Petty Cash Funds and Cash in School Buildings
- 6670.R Petty Cash Funds and Cash in Schools Buildings Regulation
- 6700 Purchasing
- 6700.R Purchasing Regulation
- 6710 Principles of Purchasing
- 6720 Competitive Bids and Quotations
- 6730 Contracts for Services Equipment and Materials
- 6830 Expense Reimbursement
- 6830.R Expense Reimbursement Regulation
- 6900 Disposal of School District Property
- 6950 Records Management
7000 - Facilities Development
8000 - Support Services
- 8100 Health and Safety Committee
- 8110 Buildings & Grounds Inspection
- 8111 Reporting of Hazards
- 8120.2 Safe Use of Hazardous Materials
- 8121.1 Opioid Overdose Prevention
- 8121.1.R Opioid Overdose Prevention Regulation
- 8130.2 Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
- 8130.2.E1 Evaluation of the Physical Environment
- 8130.2.E2 List of Risks and Mitigation Efforts
- 8130.2.E3 Records Examination
- 8130.2.F Workplace Violence Incident Report
- 8134 Emergency Closings
- 8135 Safe Schools
- 8212 Vandalism
- 8410 Student Transportation
- 8411 School Bus Scheduling and Routing
- 8411.E Agreement to Provide Transportation on Private Roads
- 8411.R School Bus Scheduling and Routing Regulation
- 8413 Transportation for Non-Public School Students
- 8414.5 Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing for Drivers
- 8414.5.R Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing for Drivers Regulation
- 8415 Idling of School Buses, Other School Vehicles and Private Vehicles on School Grounds
- 8415.R Idling of School Buses, Other School Vehicles and Private Vehicles on School Grounds Regulation
- 8417 Copyright Law Compliance
- 8417.F Copyright Law Publication Release Form
- 8420 Bomb Threats
- 8500 School Lunch and Breakfast Program
- 8505 Meal Charges
- 8635 Information and Data Privacy, Security, Breach and Notification
- 8635.R Information and Data Privacy, Security, Breach, and Notification Regulation
- 8700 Insurance
9000 - Personnel and Negotiations
- 9010 Equal Employment Opportunity
- 9010.2 Sexual Harassment
- 9010.2.E1 Sexual Harassment Formal Complaint Form
- 9010.2.R Sexual Harassment Regulation
- 9120.1 Staff Conflict of Interest
- 9140.1 Employee Complaint Procedure
- 9140.1.R Employee Complaint Procedure Regulation
- 9160 Personnel Records
- 9260 Conditional Appointment & Emergency Conditional Appointment Student Safety Policy
- 9310 Staff Health
- 9320 Drug-Free Workplace
- 9320.R Drug-Free Workplace Regulation
- 9460 Incidental Teaching
- 9520.2 Family and Medical Leave
- 9520.2.R Family and Medical Leave Regulation
- 9530 No Smoking, Vaping, or Other Tobacco Use on School Premises
- 9600 Campaigning in Schools
- 9610 Staff Alcohol and Substance Abuse
- 9620 Suspected Child Abuse by District Personnel
- 9620.E Child Abuse in an Educational Setting-Exhibit
- 9620.F Child Abuse in an Educational Setting-Form
- 9720 Professional Research and Publishing
- 9800 Labor Agreements with Collective Bargaining Units
- 9900 Theft of Services or Property